Quality control strategy
Scope and objectives
The purpose of this document is to explain the steps that happen during the quality control (QC) phase. This ensures high-quality delivery of node and hard fork releases.
This document also clarifies QC activities, roles, responsibilities, processes, and practices to be used within the Cardano project.

Key principles
Prevention instead of reaction: preventing a problem is always better than fixing it.
Work with the team, not against it: collaboration is key to success.
Be in users’ shoes: always focus on product end users. User experience is the top priority since the software is developed for end users specifically.
Automation first approach: all tests should be automated.
Quality control approach
Quality control takes place during the SDLC development and launch phases.
It is recommended to create and run automated tests as soon as possible, at the component, integration, and system test levels. For this reason, it is recommended to use the shift left testing approach. This approach is based on the principle that if the software development team can test code early in the development cycle, they can discover errors before the code is released for testing.
Quality control methodology
The quality control process is multi-dimensional:
Active quality control
During the pre-development SDLC phase
Acceptance criteria, user stories and definition of done should be created by the product owner, then peer-reviewed and signed off by PM, dev, and test owners
Each user-facing functionality change should go through the product owner and be planned accordingly
During the development SDLC phase
Development work is started based on the acceptance criteria
Each new piece of code is covered by tests at the dev/unit/component level (for functional and non-functional, positive and negative scenarios – based on the acceptance criteria); these tests are part of the PR when merged into master
The code review of the PR also includes the review of the new test coverage for the newly added code
Each PR with user-facing functionality is passed to the system test team, along with a clear usage/documentation/example to be tested and automated (for functional and non-functional, positive and negative scenarios – based on the acceptance criteria)
Test scenarios proposed by the system test team are peer-reviewed and signed off by PO, PM, and Dev owners
DevOps and DevX support the development process by executing the required updates to the different environments and by monitoring the environments for possible errors
All the configurations on test environments are similar to the mainnet ones (when a parameter value is changed on mainnet, it is updated on all the environments – eg,
)The system test team runs frequent sync tests on all available environments to find possible regressions in sync speed, sync time, RAM & CPU usage, and disk space usage
Benchmarking teams run frequent benchmarks in order to find any possible regressions in the core blockchain functionality
All the integration tests (at the node level) owned by dev teams are run automatically on a nightly basis
TBD - all the system tests (that run on a local cluster) to be run at the PR level in the
repositoryAll the integration/system/E2E tests owned by the system test team are run automatically on a nightly basis
When all the features in the release scope are fully developed, fully tested, and covered by automated tests at component/integration/system levels, are fully implemented/tested (as per acceptance criteria & DoD), and have proper documentation, a new node tag is created
Depending on the release scope, there might be some audits (internal or external) required – eg, code, security, legal
User acceptance testing (UAT) is done by involving different external teams/projects and community members (SPOs, DApp developers, other possible users, external contractors, etc)
DevOps and DevX support UAT by executing the required updates to the different environments (making sure there are mixed node versions used on at least one of the internal environments) and by monitoring the environments for possible errors
Test summary is generated and shared with delivery, stakeholders, and the community
TBD: define what the test summary should include
Passive quality control
During the development and maintenance SDLC phases
Longer-term active monitoring of the different environments through Grafana dashboards
Longer-term active monitoring of the external environment with multiple stake pools and different node versions
Constant monitoring/grooming/prioritization of the issues raised by internal teams using official channels → GitHub Issues
Constant monitoring/grooming/prioritization of the issues raised by the community using different mediums (GitHub, Discord, etc)