
The release has single bug fix, so testing performed on 8.7.2 is applicable also to 8.7.3.

Regression testing on a local cluster

Regression Testsuite

P2P ON - Babbage with default (Babbage) TX on 8.7.2


P2P OFF - Babbage with default (Babbage) TX on 8.7.2


Mix P2P and Legacy - Babbage with default (Babbage) TX on 8.7.2


P2P OFF - Babbage with Alonzo TX on 8.7.2


Plutus Functionality on 8.7.2 using Antaeus - Multi-era (without V3 scripts)


Other Testing

Upgrade testing (8.1.2 to 8.7.2)


Rollback testing on 8.7.2


Block production testing on 8.7.2 on network with 10 pools, 5 of them P2P, 5 of them Legacy - results (sqlite db)


Sanity checks of the submit-api REST service


Release testing checklist

8.7.3 pushed to shelley-qa

8.7.3 pushed to preview

Grafana metrics OK

Regression testing against shelley-qa on 8.7.2


Regression testing against preview

Sync testing ran against shelley_qa & Preview & Preprod & Mainnet (Windows, Linux, macOS) on 8.7.2


DB re-validation testing on 8.7.2 (ledger snapshots compatibility)


Benchmarking - Report


Sanity check release notes


New functionalities in this tag

Known issues

Up-to-date list of existing issues

New issues

Breaking changes